Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Looks like this is going to be a monthly thing.

I really have enjoyed writing what little of this blog there is, I just never remember to do it. Which is a shame 'cause I think in a year or two when I re-read it, it'll be rather interesting.


'cello ahoy! My teacher very kindly lent me her Bach suites, so I've been having a go at the easier ones there. I can so far play Most of the C Major Bouree, And the First G major Menuet. I'm also doing well with the G major Sarabande, which is quite surprising :). I'm also thinking about buying a microphone when I get paid, so I'll get some recordings and/or videos up then.

Also, to anybody that is actually reading this blog, if you know any good classical tunes for the intermediate/begginnerish kind of level, give me a shout. I have a hard time finding interesting cello music at my level, and my local library's sheet music section leaves something to be desired. I bought the sheet music to song of the birds, and can play the first few bars and that's it. Otherwise I need something other than the Bach suites to play.

Peace out, and I'll try and keep this more frequent/interesting.



Anonymous said...

Hi Nathan, this may not be news to you, but the Breval C-major Sonata is a very nice piece for intermediate cellists. It's in Suzuki (3 I think) and also available as a solo with piano.

CelloGirl said...

I agree - I think that was my first cello sonata!